Warhawk : le patch 1.1 disponible

Warhawk : le patch 1.1 disponible

PlayStation.Blog, le blog officiel de Sony comme on peut s'en douter, confirme la mise en téléchargement du patch 1.1 de Warhawk. Voici la liste des correctifs concernés par cette version :

Server-side updates
* Stat database stability improvements
* Improved server stability
* Max Clan limit changed from 32 to 64
* Viral Rank-up bug fixed and correct for players that were accidentally ranked up.
* "Time-in-Vehicle" Stats fixed so certain awards can now be granted properly.

Client-side updates for Patch v1.1
* Stat connection, fetch/post fixes
* Significantly improved client connection stability
* Quad "????" Ping display bug fixed.
* Added support for Player-Ranked Servers.
* Game synchronization fixes due to fluctuating network conditions (packet-drop).
* Crash fixes for end of game and split screen.

Un patch 1.2 est d'ores et déjà en chantier, et listé pour décembre prochain.

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